28 October 2023 (Baltimore/MD/NATIONAL)
In Response To Reported Increases In Reported Numbers Of School Violence Incidents, Many Originating Off Campus; Throughout Baltimore & Other Maryland School Communities - The Uvalde Foundation For Kids Expands STOPNOW Volunteer Patrol Program Throughout Maryland Districts.
The Uvalde Foundation For Kids, a national nonprofit dedicated to ending school violence & formed in response to the May 2022 Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas; released Saturday morning that following the recent shooting of 3 students outside Carver Vocational Technical High School in West Baltimore & the recent shooting of a teen near Edmonson Heights Elementary School in Woodlawn; that they will begin the process of increasing recruitment for their STOPNOW volunteer school patrols within those school communities.
Most recently the foundation noted that it recently responded to two other Marylabd school recent incidents, including at Morgan State University shooting illustrating a growing problem for Maryland schools:
Foundation STOPNOW Patrols, modeled after the "Guardian Angels," anticrime unit in NYC in the 1980's, patrol school perimeters to prevent safety incidents from reaching school campuses; while also providing extra encouragement and support for returning students.
Team volunteers undergo foundational training prior to the start of the academic year. Team members are cleared through background checks & are trained in situational awareness and basic intervention techniques... Unless a part of the foundation's on campus programs, Patrol members do not enter school or district property without clearance.
The Uvalde Foundation For Kids
888 685 8464