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National Student Advocacy & Safety Nonprofit Introduces 'No Blame Approach,' To Bullying Prevention

Updated: Apr 30, 2024

The Uvalde Foundation For Kids set to expand revolutionary approach to end school bullying nationwide

Over the past several years, the Uvalde Foundation For Kids has witnessed, on a national level, a dramatic exposure to the increase in bullying incidents, plaguing school districts, traumatizing the young lives of student, disrupting classrooms & leaving parents, school leaders & administrators daunted as to the best approach to addressing it effectively.
 Consistent with our foundation view that bullying, a form of violence, must be addressed on a cultural level, paralleling our goals to change students "mindset," as opposed to simply a student's "behavior." To do so, in this case we must address both the bully, the bullied and the "culture," of bullying
It has to go beyond punitive engagements & empower school communities, parents, community leaders & more importantly students themselves to end again this culture of bullying in schools...
We are excited to fully embrace, expand upon & reintroduce the NBA curriculum to end bullying in our nation's schools.

(Daniel Chapin, Founder)


The No Blame Approach (NBA) has been developed in the beginning of the 1990 in England by George Robinson, long term headmaster of a school for children with behavioral disorders and Barbara Maines, school psychologist. They were looking for a constructive method to fight bullying in the case of a teenage boy whose teacher had asked them for help as Maines and Robinson describe in their publication: Crying for help – the No Blame Approach to Bullying...


Up to then different bullying intervention tools have been applied which foresaw severe consequences for the bullying student. However, punishment and negative consequences did not necessarily improve the situation for the bullied child but also carried the danger of revenge. So Barbara Maines and George Robinson designed a concept which did not focus on punishment but rather on the belief that, if group dynamics in a classroom changed – meaning that the bullying actions would no longer be considered cool or funny by the other classmates – the bully will change his behavior and stop bullying.

The NBA takes the fact into consideration that bullying is not just an interaction between the offender and the victim but rather a situation where a whole group, in this case a class is involved.

The Uvalde Foundation For Kids

(877) 888 4235

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