Following some communication mishaps with the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police, which have since been rectified, The Uvalde Foundation For Kids is pleased to announce that we will be moving forward in our official recognition of the Pittsburgh Bureau Of Police following their recent actions in preventing a potential school shooting.
Our foundation's initial release, cancelling the December 3rd announced recognition, has been amended following contact today, with the Pittsburgh Bureau Of Police & City officials. Our foundation was initially concerned following our announcement of the award, as we had received no word from the department itself accepting the recognition. That factor has since changed & our proceedings to honor the departments service, progresses with more information on presentation dates, etc., to be released in a later release
Daniel Chapin of The Uvalde Foundation For Kids noted: "The Uvalde Foundation For Kids is honored to move forward with this recognition. Following some communication mishaps we were glad to hear from the department regarding their acceptance of this national recognition & anticipate a long lasting, positive relationship with such a department as the Pittsburgh Bureau Of Police. We also anticipate learning from them & sharing their obvious heart & expertise with our national partners to end violence against our youth & school communities."
The Uvalde Foundation For Kids
888 685 8464
"The Pittsburgh Bureau of Police was extremely honored to be recognized by The Uvalde Foundation for Kids for our officers' recent efforts in thwarting a school shooting in Pittsburgh
We regret that missed correspondence between the Bureau and the organization resulted in the possible cancellation of plans to present the department with this national recognition, which includes a generous scholarship donation to the department
Pittsburgh Police are now in contact with The Uvalde Foundation for Kids and very much look forward to accepting this honor as we work toward the shared goal of protecting children and schools from future gun violence."
Cara Cruz
Public Information Officer
Department of Public Safety
City of Pittsburgh