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STOPNOW Patrols Planned For Pulaski County, Virginia School Neighborhoods

Updated: Oct 10, 2023


9 October 2023 (Virginia/National)

National NonProfit To Continue Plans For Pulaski County Schools STOPNOW School Neighborhood Patrols


Following weekend discussions with Pulaski County School Officials, including Superintendent Robert Graham and the Commonwealth's Chief Law Enforcement Officer, Justin Griffith, the Uvalde Foundation For Kids nonprofit announced in an updated Monday morning release that it will continue its recruitment and plans to organize its STOPNOW Patrol teams off campus volunteer program.

Foundation National Director, Daniel Chapin noted in an announcement, "The Uvalde Foundation For Kids is confident in the heart for & ability of Pulaski County Schools & law enforcement officials to protect their students on campus. While we are not in nor seeking collaboration currently with the district nor law enforcement for any on campus support teams or supplemental student safety programs, our off campus/district volunteer patrol program is proceeding forward."

‘Following a series of threats made against Pulaski County Middle School, Pulaski County School Officials announced the Uvalde Foundation for Kids will continue its recruitment of STOPNOW patrol team off campus volunteer program.'

WFXRTV UPDATE 10 October 2023:


Foundation officials added in the latest release that the foundation is not pursuing an on campus program or district collaboration for patrols at this time, as it does not wish to interfere with a system that is currently working at the district and school level. Yet, it has decided to continue the school neighborhood patrol launch program particularly in the Middle & High School neighborhoods.

This after being contacted this past week by concerned parents and students; following a series of threats made against Pulaski County Middle School and ongoing safety concerns for students off campus as well as on.

Planned for both the Pulaski Middle & High school communities, currently 13 individuals have signed up and will undergo background clearance and training in 'Situational Awareness," prior to joining actual team patrol operations.

STOPNOW patrols are part of a nationwide grassroots effort by the foundation to prevent violence from coming onto & disrupting school campuses and endangering student lives; while also empowering concerned parents and community members to engage in participation in their student/school wellbeing.

Modeled after the GUARDIAN ANGELS community policing unit in NYC In the 1980s, STOPNOW teams; such as planned by the foundation; patrol school perimeters; serving as an additional level of positive student and community engagement, while also as additional deterrents to potential dangers to students.


Stop Now Patrols:


The Uvalde Foundation For Kids

888 685 8464



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