TUESDAY 16 May 2023 (300pm CST)
Uvalde Nonprofit Who Awarded Richneck Elementary School HERO Teacher, Abby Zwerner; To Recognize Newport News Police For School Shooting Response
The Uvalde Foundation For Kids, a nonprofit organization formed following the deadly school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, announced Tuesday morning, that it is recognizing responding Newport News, Virginia Officers for their exceptional response to the shooting of teacher, Abby Zwerner by a student at her school in January of this year. The announcement follows the release of bodycam footage of the incident this month..
The foundation; who itself responded to the Richneck Shooting; providing additional resources to the school community & meeting several times with school administrators; also awarded the Newport News teacher with the, "Abby Zwerner HERO Award," recognizing her bravery.
In the recent release on the departments response to the incident, Founder Daniel Chapin stated,
"In responding to the Richneck Incident, Officers, such as Officer Clark Carter, showed creativity & empathy; ultimately de-escalating a situation truly traumatic for all involved, especially these young students. This is both a testimony to the type of character within the heart of those men and women within the department overall, but also a testimony to how response to these type of events; can truly make a difference in the mental effects they have; particularly on young minds."
The foundation noted that as part of the national recognition; both the department & responding officers will receive, special commendation recognitions for, "exceptional dedication to duty."
The Uvalde Foundation For Kids
888 685 8464
Teacher Reacts To Award Grant: