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ICYMI: NonViolent School Alliance Award Red Bluff High School - Letter From The Superintendent

MARCH 6, 2023

The Uvalde Foundation For Kids Recently Recognized Red Bluff HS For Their School Safety & Student Enhancement Programming! CONGRATULATIONS RED BLUFF HIGH SCHOOL!


"Red Bluff High School is truly honored to be recognized as a recipient of the "Non-violent School Alliance Award."

As you know, preventing school violence in our nation's public schools has been a priority for local and state governments throughout the country. This is no different for the Red Bluff Joint Union High School District two high schools. Red Bluff (RBHS) focus has been in three areas: Creating a safe school environment; Responding appropriately to potential school threats; and providing crisis response individuals following a violent incident. It also understands that preventing violence in our schools is community effort. From community members to staff to students, creating a positive school climate takes the efforts of all involved.

RBHS has implemented a number of initiatives with the goal of increasing positive school environment. This year, the district two high schools created an Advisory class. This class is intended to create meaningful relationships between students, students and staff, and staff.

The class meets twice a week and social-emotional learning strategies are presented. Topics include campus safety, inclusion, tolerance, and cooperation. It was created to have a student voice into matters that are affecting them at school and in the public. The first year has been a positive one and RBHS will continue to build on the class.

The second student-based program RBHS has initiated is the Safe School Ambassador Program. This program training provided by Community Matters, is an evidence-based program that harnesses the power of students to prevent and stop bullying and mistreatment in schools.

Students selected to the program represent the diverse population at RBHS because we know that students see, hear, and know things adults don't, and can intervene in ways adults can't. In fact, students are a critical and necessary resource to positively impacting the crisis of bullying in our schools. The two-day training left our students feeling empowered, wanting to be part of positive change.

As one student stated, "l would like to be a student ambassador because I believe in students having a voice. I want to be able to make this campus better for not only me but the kids who come after me."

As a result of the Ambassador program, the district has created a Superintendent's Student Advisory Council. This council represents a diverse team of student voices from each high school in the district. The purpose of the council is for students to engage with the Superintendent in meaningful dialogue while sharing students' views and perspectives on the culture in the district. The committee aims to develop initiatives and amplify student voices to create positive change at school.

One of the applicant's reason for participating the council is summed up in her quote: "Personally, I believe that all students can make a beautiful change for Red Bluff High. I want to represent a High School that students will remember for the rest of their lives in a positive manner. If we can visualize our future for this High School, I hope it will show a positive environment, welcoming all communities of: Gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and more. If we allow young adults to speak their minds, healthier changes will be made for our future students so they can enjoy every minute of their High School experience."

In addition to providing student initiative programs, RBHS established the GRIT Center.

Standing for Growing Resilient Independent Teens, the GRIT Center provides mental health therapists on campus, as well as other social and emotional supports, to help our students. Students visit this center regularly to help with regulation and dealing with the stresses in their lives.

RBHS has also worked diligently to respond appropriately to potential violent situations. It participates routinely in lockdown procedures. It recently upgraded its emergency alert systems in all its classrooms. The safety team meets after every drill to debrief and look for improvements.

Finally, the district has created a crisis response to provide support to staff and students following a violent incident. This response is also used to provide supports to students and staff following emotional event in the community.

Again, RBHS is appreciative to be recognized for this award. The work ahead of us in challenging as we meet the needs of our students and community. Our purpose is to improve our community by serving our students in a safe environment and we look forward to our partnership with the Uvalde Foundation for Kids as we pursue this endeavor."


Superintendent Todd Brose

Red Bluff Joint Union High School

Red Bluff, California

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