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There Is Still Hope To Be Found In The Christmas Sky.

The Uvalde Foundation For Kids announced late Christmas Eve that it's national student crisis support, suicide prevention & online support lines will operate on a regular 24 hour schedule Christmas Eve through Christmas 2023. 


"While many across this nation celebrate this magical Christmas holiday, regardless of our age or backgrounds - our foundation recognizes that this night for many has lost its magic due to violence. Whether it has been a life lost or community altered forever due to a gun, a closed fist or a spoken word - Tragically, for many students, mothers, fathers & school community members in towns & cities across the country; this Christmas Eve brings no celebration.

Tonight, many children in towns small & large, from coast to coast will search the skies for "Santa," - for that hope of what is to come tomorrow morning.. Yet, tonight there are students who are alone or not celebrating with family. There are families who have lost sons or daughters to gun violence this year & those very special pair of hands which used to help decorate the tree are gone. This holiday for them is another sad reminder of that pain.

Even now, online, in homes across the nation; students are being bullied or threatened, while their peers join each other at holiday gatherings....

These cannot be forgotten or lost in our prayers and holiday spirits.
These may simply need a safe space, perhaps a peer to talk to, a friendly voice, someone who "gets it," or maybe - a life can be saved.

The foundation has vowed to be there for students, their school communities & those who care for them & we are determined to set a new standard of care to students, their families & school communities across the nation. Crisis does not take a holiday. Neither will we. Perhaps through those dedicated students & professionals who across the country have volunteered their time tonight on our various connection formats - All of us will again find some hope in the Christmas Sky...


Students/Individuals experiencing crisis, loneliness or those who simply wish to connect with either a peer or professional counselor are encouraged to contact the foundation via the toll free national 888 number below, or via our online chat - 24 hours, NOW THROUGH CHRISTMAS!


The Uvalde Foundation For Kids 

888 685 8464

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